Is your home protected in Bankruptcy?
In Florida, your home is protected as your homestead under Florida law. If you have a mortgage, you must keep making your mortgage payments, your home insurance and taxes, as well as your HOA, otherwise, you may face a foreclosure. If you are a renter, you must keep making your rent payments if you don’t want to be evicted.
What kind of debts can I discharge in bankruptcy?
Commonly, one can discharge either secured or unsecured debt. You can discharge your credit card debt, medical, past rent, past bills, unsecured loans. If your debt is secured such as a car loan or a mortgage on your home, you may discharge that that if you don’t want to keep either the car or the home. However, if you want to keep your car or your home, you must keep up your payments.
Are there tax consequences to filing bankruptcy?
You will not suffer a tax consequences if your file a bankruptcy, unlike the situation where your creditor forgives your debt. In that case you may experience “phantom income” instead of the forgiven debt, and you may have to pay tax on the phantom income.
Can a bankruptcy filing help me get back my suspended license?
If your driver’s license was suspended for not paying certain debts or obligations, filing the bankruptcy may get your license re-instated.
Can creditors sue me after I file for bankruptcy?
No, this is a violation of federal law.
Can I be forced to change between chapters in a bankruptcy case?
You can be given the choice if necessary, but this is uncommon. There may be circumstances where it may be advantageous to change, if the circumstances call for it.
Can I convert from a Chapter 13 to 7 bankruptcy?
Can I convert from a Chapter 7 to 13 bankruptcy?
Can I discharge medical bills in bankruptcy?
Can I discharge my student loans in bankruptcy?
Can I file bankruptcy only on my personal or just on my business debts?
You can file personal and business debts. If you signed the obligation in a personal capacity, you can file for bankruptcy on that debt.
Can I file for bankruptcy if I haven’t paid taxes for the last few years?
Yes. Not paying your taxes does not prohibit you from filing. However, the discharge may or may not include those tax liabilities that may not have been treated according to bankruptcy law.
Can I get credit after bankruptcy?
Absolutely. Credit is determined by the debt-to-income ratio. Consequentially, your credit will improve after bankruptcy.
Can I lose my IRA, 401k, or other retirement account in bankruptcy?
You will keep your IRA and 401K, in fact, if your retirement account was set up according to the rules that are dictated by the IRS, then your retirement account is safe from creditors. However, you may lose the money in your savings or money market accounts, depending on the amount of money and your available exemptions.
Can I not be approved for bankruptcy?
It depends on whether or not you qualify.
Can I put my assets in someone else’s name before filing for bankruptcy?
No. This would be a fraudulent transfer.
Can I save my home and other assets by filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 13?
Yes. Absolutely. But you have to fulfill the terms of your chapter 13 plan.
Can I use Chapter 7 bankruptcy to get rid of all my debts?
All debts that are dischargeable will be discharged. This is basically the language of the discharge order.
Can my boss fire me for filing bankruptcy?
No. That is a violation of federal law.
1Are child support arrears or alimony payments dischargeable in bankruptcy?
No they are not. Support payments are not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Only family court can modify support payments.
Can my landlord evict me from my apartment after I file for bankruptcy?
No. That is a violation of federal law.
Can my utility providers stop service if I file bankruptcy?
Do bankruptcy laws vary from state to state?
No, however, the exemptions can differ.
Do I have to list all my debts in a bankruptcy filing?
Do I have to pay my bills during a Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy?
Yes. Utilities, rent or mortgage, car payments (if you want to keep your car or home), but not your unsecured debt, such as credit cards or medical bills.
Does a previous bankruptcy prevent me from filing bankruptcy again?
No. You may file a chapter 7, 8 years after having filed an earlier chapter 7. To file a Chapter 13 after having filed a Chapter 7, you must wait 4 years from one filing date to the next. That is, if you received a discharge in a prior case.
Can I file for bankruptcy without my spouse?
Yes. Married individual may file individually. That discharges only the debt of the person who is filing. It does not discharge the debt of the spouse who did not file.
Does the IRS have to agree to my Chapter 13 plan?
No. If the IRS disagrees with the treatment of your liability to the IRS, it can then file an objection to the plan, and the judge will determine if the objection has merit. We try to settle this disagreement without requiring the involvement of a judge.
How do bankruptcy attorneys charge for their services?
Bankruptcy attorneys typically charge a flat fee for their service, monitored by the court. A more complicated case will garner higher fees, always subject to court approval.
How do I choose a bankruptcy attorney?
Look for board-certification because a board-certified attorney has invested in furthering their knowledge of the law. Look for experience and reputation as well.
How do I determine if should file bankruptcy?
If you are unable to pay your debts, creditors are hounding you, you cannot fall asleep at night because you are thinking about your debts, you should consult with a bankruptcy attorney.
How do I know which bankruptcy chapter to file?
Your bankruptcy attorney will advise you.
How do I prepare my bankruptcy payment plan?
How do I qualify for bankruptcy?
How does a Chapter 13 bankruptcy case begin?
How does a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case begin?
How long does the bankruptcy process typically take?
How long will a bankruptcy filing remain on my credit record?
How much will the whole bankruptcy process cost?
How often, if ever, will I have to go to court during bankruptcy proceedings?
How To Handle Debt With Bankruptcy
I declared bankruptcy before. When can I file again?
I do not have much money. Why should I hire a bankruptcy attorney instead of filing myself?
If I am having problems paying my bills, what is the first thing I should do?
If I declare bankruptcy, can I lose my car?
If I declare bankruptcy, can I lose my house?
If I file for bankruptcy, can I keep my credit cards?
If I file for bankruptcy, does it mean my old bad debts are erased from my credit report?
In bankruptcy, what is the trustee?
Is the debt discharged in bankruptcy considered income that has to be reported on my income tax return?
Is the IRS affected by my bankruptcy filing? Do I still have to pay back taxes and new taxes?
Mortgage and Credit Card Garnishing
Mortgage Modifications for Struggling Homeowners
Right now, I cannot pay my debts. Besides bankruptcy, do I have any options?
Strip Your Second Mortgage When Filing for Bankruptcy
Student Loans, Old Debts and A New Marriage
The Passing Stigma of Filing for Bankruptcy
What are exempt assets in a bankruptcy proceeding?
What are nonexempt assets in a bankruptcy proceeding?
What are the advantages of filing for bankruptcy?
What are the alternatives to filing personal bankruptcy?
What are the major events in the bankruptcy process and when will the bankruptcy be over?
What are the most common mistakes I can make when filing for bankruptcy?
What are the most common reasons for Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
What are the most common reasons for Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
What assets are protected in bankruptcy?
What can I do if my tenant filed bankruptcy?
What debts are erased by a bankruptcy, and what debts cannot be erased by bankruptcy?
What do I have to disclose about my finances in a bankruptcy filing?
What do I have to do to file bankruptcy?
What do I need to provide to my attorney in a bankruptcy case?
What does a Chapter 13 bankruptcy involve?
What does Chapter 7 bankruptcy involve?
What does it cost to file bankruptcy?
What happens after the payment plan is approved?
What happens if my employer filed for bankruptcy and owes me money?
What happens to me personally if my corporation files bankruptcy?
What happens to my corporation if I file personal bankruptcy?
What happens to tax liens that survive the Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharge?
What if a collection agency calls me and says that my credit card debt cannot be discharged in bankruptcy?
What if I cannot afford a bankruptcy attorney?
What if I cannot make the payments on my Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan?
What if I cannot make the payments required under my bankruptcy court ordered plan?
What if I cannot pay non-dischargeable tax debt even over a five-year Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan?
What if I forget to list a liability in my bankruptcy filing?
What if I keep getting bills after I file bankruptcy?
What if I want to pay some of my creditors?
What if the court does not approve my Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing?
What if the court does not approve my Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
What is debt consolidation?
What is the means test in bankruptcy?
What is the next step in bankruptcy after credit counseling?
What is the proposed payment plan?
What is the role of the Chapter 13 trustee in a bankruptcy?
What should I do if I know I am going to miss a payment?
What should I list as my liabilities in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
What steps do I need to take before filing for bankruptcy?
What will happen to my bills after I declare bankruptcy?
When should I file tax returns if I am going to file bankruptcy?
When to Call A Bankruptcy Attorney When Selling Your Home
When will I be discharged from bankruptcy?
Who makes the choice regarding Chapter 13 in a bankruptcy?
Who makes the choice regarding Chapter 7?
Who notifies the creditors and bill collectors that I declared bankruptcy?
Who will know about my bankruptcy?
Will bankruptcy affect my spouse’s credit?
Will bankruptcy remove a lien?
Will bankruptcy stop a judgment?
Will bankruptcy stop wage garnishments?
Will I have to give up all my assets?
Will I lose my assets if I file for Chapter 7?
Will my co-signers on my liabilities, like a mortgage, be protected if declare bankruptcy?
Will my creditors stop harassing me when I file for bankruptcy?
Is property settlement following a divorce dischargeable?
Property Settlement award are dischargeable in chapter 13 only, as long as it is not a result of fraud.